Exciting news! I’m proud to announce I’m now a Certified Crystal Practitioner (CCP)!

It’s exciting to share the news. I graduated from the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy last November, where I’ve been deep in study mode, learning all about crystal healing and the science behind how crystals work.

This course provided the scientific facts about how crystals promote an energetic shift in the body and therefore also on the mind and soul. It’s also helped me to use my crystals in a whole new way. As I trained professional, I now have a sound understanding of the human electromagnetic field and how crystals interact with it. My training allows me to recognize and remedy energetic imbalances or blockages within this field utilizing crystal energy.

I now expand my wellness practice to offer in-person Crystal Healing in Austin, TX and Distance Crystal Healing services.

Crystals are amazing gifts from the Earth and they are powerful energetic. In fact, the stable energetic vibrations from crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness. ⁠

This is why it’s essential that those who use crystals for healing purposes have had adequate training in order to do so in an effective yet secure, safe, and sensible manner.

Crystal Healing is a deeply relaxing experience involving minimal contact therapy. It’s a safe and rejuvenating therapy that aims to identify and restore energetic imbalances in the body. What's not to love about that?!

In addition to placing crystals and stones on the body, other complementary vibrational frequency tools such as sound healing and aromatherapy may also be used during each session to amplify results. I combine these tools to provide my clients with the ultimate relaxing crystal healing experience and, let me tell you, the results are AMAZING!

You’ll see from my extensive credentials, I firmly believe that training and certification are fundamental to providing the highest level of service and integrity in my wellness practice.

Please visit the Book a session section for further information and session packages.

I can’t wait to share this incredible experience with you!

If you have any questions or comments, please share below.

Crystal blessing!


March 06, 2020 — Ana Saldivar

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